Sunday, March 4, 2018

Compound words

Compound words picture CARDS
30 compound word pictures
Sample compound word picture cards are below
There are three forms of compound words:
The close form, in which the words are melded together such as cupcake, keyboard, jellyfish;
The hyphenated form, such as daughter-in-law, master-at-arms, six-pack;
And the open form, such as post office, real estate, middle class, full moon, half sister.
About the materials: COMPOUND WORD PICTURES
This set of compound word pictures are all in close form.
Compound words are formed when two smaller words combine to form a new word with a new meaning.
These resources can help you introduce compound words to your children and make them feel like superheroes for being able to read and spell such long words.
A4 size compound word card

These are included on the compound word picture cards:
cup + cake = cupcake
foot + ball = football
butter + fly = butterfly
rain + bow = rainbow
sun + flower = sunflower
book + shelf = bookshelf
lip + stick = lipstick
ear + ring = earring
tooth + brush = toothbrush
sand + castle = sandcastle
jelly + fish = jellyfish
fish + bowl = fishbowl
star + fish = starfish
hot + dog = hotdog
snow + man = snowman
water + melon = watermelon
rain + coat = raincoat
tea + pot = teapot
key + board = keyboard
fire + fly = firefly
basket + ball = basketball
key + hole = keyhole
butter + fly = butterfly
surf + board = surfboard
dragon + fly = dragonfly
pan + cake = pancake
wheel + chair = wheelchair
arm + chair = armchair
moon + light = moonlight
mail + box = mailbox
door + bell = doorbell
Get your copy here <--
Compound words can be lot of fun for young spellers and readers. And they are easier to tackle if we think of compound words as two small words that are combined to form a new word with a new meaning.

 This set of compound word picture cards will be great resource as you work on this skill together.
Happy teaching!!!

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