Sunday, December 31, 2017

CVC crossword puzzles

Short vowels (a, e, i, o, u)
Sample CVC crossword puzzle sheets are below

Crossword solving involves several useful skills including vocabulary, spelling and word skills. To solve these simple crossword puzzle, the student must be able to identify the pictures with short vowels "a,e,i,o,u". 

Students who might normally balk at practice tests, flashcards or review session with the teacher find puzzle solving to be much threatening and more like game play. Crossword puzzle solving is a much more active type of learning and will engage students with the material more than passive types of review techniques do. Crossword puzzles also have the advantage of appealing to different learning styles.

How to prepare and use

Download these CVC simple crossword puzzle sheets or print them directly from your computer. Select pages from the file that will suits your lesson. Give each student a copy. Explain the instruction on how to answer the crossword puzzle. Ask the student to write their name on the space provided before solving the crossword puzzles. To solve these simple crossword puzzle, the student must be able to identify the pictures with short vowels "a, e, i, o, u". 

To make this activity more exciting, you could provide five name slots (depending on the number of students) of students who will finish the activity first and will receive rewards.
These crossword puzzles is best for a child learning words with short vowel "a, e, i, o, u".

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